24 hours until...

...the Day! Yes, the hour of my departure approaches at a lively pace now. I must enjoy my last 24 hours in my house and in my sweet town of Lafayette. Even though it might be tricky, while jetting around like a jackrabbit, grabbing last-minute items, and stuffing my cases to the brim, taking moments to breathe in the scents of Louisiana are important, as my smelling glands will later bring me comfort during the times when I miss my state. The light music of Taylor Swift will be an appropriate memory of home for me as well, and I have welcomed her voice pouring into my opened suitcases. Time was good to me today, and productivity was on my side. Most of my packing is complete, leaving me safely with one day of breathing room. Before today, (two days before the Day) I have spent many hours "packing" in my head. Such a trip requires much mental preparation.

You may have asked, "and where will the Day be taking her?" And that is, all the way across the rather large pond, to a different land called- Scotland. The city of Glasgow, to be exact. The books call it an "edgy, modish and downright ballsy place." I am looking forward to hearing the word "posh" used in a sentence, and I'm ready to taste the famous Irn Bru, an orange energy drink created for the iron workers back in the day. I can almost taste the lamb heart, liver and lungs combo, called haggis. Oh yes, I am goin' all the way. Hey, it's only called boudin in Cajun land.

Here it goes. I don't really know much of what to expect, but one thing I hope is that the voice with the clipped brogue talking in my head for the past month has only been preparing me for the real thing:)

I'm American, so I say.. Peace.


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